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How Long Does It Take to Walk 6 Miles

How Long Does it Take to Walk a Mile?

| Last update: 08 October 2020

Typically, adults walk at a speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour, and therefore walk a mile in around 15 to 20 minutes. Some people will be faster or slower than this, and walking speed can even be influenced by age and gender, as well as fitness level.

Can you calculate walking speed?

When you're planning a journey, a day out, or preparing for a sponsored walk or marathon, you may want to calculate how many minutes it takes to walk a mile. Individual health will of course have an impact on how long it takes to walk a mile, but more general factors such as age, gender and pace can be accounted for in your planning.

Walking speed by age

No, we don't mean the incredible phenomenon by which it takes three hours to walk just two blocks with a toddler (so many interesting cracks in walls to look at!)

You might be surprised to learn that sprightly twenty-somethings actually tend to walk at a slower pace than their older thirty-something and forty-something counterparts. It's true. Then, once we reach our fifties, walking speed slows down again.

So at just 2.1mph, it would take an average 75-year-old nearly half an hour to walk a mile (28 minutes and 34 seconds), while a 23-year-old is likely to walk at a speed of 3mph, taking only 20 minutes to walk a mile.

Photograph of feet wearing running shoes

Walking speed by gender

In all age categories, men walk faster than women. This could be because they tend to have slightly longer legs. Or perhaps they're more likely to be running late for something...

Walking speed by pace

There is one more factor to consider when you calculate how long it takes to walk a mile: are you strolling, walking or steaming down the street? You'll walk at a different pace when you're enjoying the country air compared to when you're worried you'll miss the train.

Here are some figures for different walking paces:

  • Fast: 100 to 119 steps per minute / 11 minutes per mile
  • Normal: 80 to 99 steps per minute / 15 minutes per mile
  • Relaxed: 60 to 79 steps per minute / 20 minutes per mile

Check out the miles chart below to get an idea of how long it would take to walk a set number of miles at a relaxed, normal or fast pace.

How long would it take to walk X miles?
Miles Relaxed Pace Normal Pace Fast Pace
1 mile 20 mins 15 mins 11 mins
2 miles 40 mins 30 mins 22 mins
3 miles 1 hr 45 mins 33 mins
4 miles 1 hr, 20 mins 1 hr 44 mins
5 miles 1 hr, 40 mins 1 hr, 15 mins 55 mins
6 miles 2 hrs 1 hr, 30 mins 1 hr, 6 mins
7 miles 2 hrs, 20 mins 1 hr, 45 mins 1 hr, 17 mins
8 miles 2 hrs, 40 mins 2 hrs 1 hr, 28 mins
9 miles 3 hrs 2 hrs, 15 mins 1 hr, 39 mins
10 miles 3 hrs, 20 mins 2 hrs, 30 mins 1 hr, 50 mins
11 miles 3 hrs, 40 mins 2 hrs, 45 mins 2 hrs, 1 mins
12 miles 4 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs, 12 mins
13 miles 4 hrs, 20 mins 3 hrs, 15 mins 2 hrs, 23 mins
14 miles 4 hrs, 40 mins 3 hrs, 30 mins 2 hrs, 34 mins
15 miles 5 hrs 3 hrs, 45 mins 2 hrs, 45 mins
16 miles 5 hrs, 20 mins 4 hrs 2 hrs, 56 mins
17 miles 5 hrs, 40 mins 4 hrs, 15 mins 3 hrs, 7 mins
18 miles 6 hrs 4 hrs, 30 mins 3 hrs, 18 mins
19 miles 6 hrs, 20 mins 4 hrs, 45 mins 3 hrs, 29 mins
20 miles 6 hrs, 40 mins 5 hrs 3 hrs, 40 mins
21 miles 7 hrs 5 hrs, 15 mins 3 hrs, 51 mins
22 miles 7 hrs, 20 mins 5 hrs, 30 mins 4 hrs, 2 mins
23 miles 7 hrs, 40 mins 5 hrs, 45 mins 4 hrs, 13 mins
24 miles 8 hrs 6 hrs 4 hrs, 24 mins
25 miles 8 hrs, 20 mins 6 hrs, 15 mins 4 hrs, 35 mins
26 miles 8 hrs, 40 mins 6 hrs, 30 mins 4 hrs, 46 mins
27 miles 9 hrs 6 hrs, 45 mins 4 hrs, 57 mins
28 miles 9 hrs, 20 mins 7 hrs 5 hrs, 8 mins
29 miles 9 hrs, 40 mins 7 hrs, 15 mins 5 hrs, 19 mins
30 miles 10 hrs 7 hrs, 30 mins 5 hrs, 30 mins
40 miles 13 hrs, 20 mins 10 hrs 7 hrs, 20 mins
50 miles 16 hrs, 40 mins 12 hrs, 30 mins 9 hrs, 10 mins
60 miles 20 hrs 15 hrs 11 hrs
70 miles 23 hrs, 20 mins 17 hrs, 30 mins 12 hrs, 50 mins
80 miles 26 hrs, 40 mins 20 hrs 14 hrs, 40 mins
90 miles 30 hrs 22 hrs, 30 mins 16 hrs, 30 mins
100 miles 33 hrs, 20 mins 25 hrs 18 hrs, 20 mins
500 miles 166 hrs, 40 mins 125 hrs 91 hrs, 40 mins

The final entry in our chart above gives us an answer to the question: "How long would it take the Proclaimers to walk 500 miles" (from their hit song). The answer is 125 hours (7500 minutes) at a normal walking pace.

If you would like to work out how many steps it might take you to walk one of these distances, check out our Miles to Steps Calculator. You can also find out how long it would take to walk around the world.


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How Long Does It Take to Walk 6 Miles
